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Version: v4

Font Size


Please refer to the

documentation on the Tailwind CSS website

rem scaling

Tailwind CSS using rem units for font sizes by default. To improve performance NativeWind will inline rem values on all platforms, except for Web. NativeWind uses the following rem for each platform

  • Web: 16px
  • All other platforms: 14px (matches React Native's default Text size)

If you need dynamically scaling text for a section of your app, we recommend using a CSS variable.

module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
fontSize: {
dynamic: "var(--font-size-dynamic)",

Scaling text based upon screen width

A common use case for dynamically scaling text is to scale text based upon the screen width. You can do this by using CSS variables and media queries.

NativeWind currently does not support media queries on :root, so you'll need to use a class.

@media (min-width: 640px) {
.text-root {
--font-size-dynamic: 16px;

@media (min-width: 768px) {
.text-root {
--font-size-dynamic: 18px;
export default App() {
return (
<Text className="text-root">
<Text className="text-[--font-size-dynamic]">I scale with screen width</Text>

Changing the default inlined rem value

You can the change the default rem value by setting rem in your metro.config.js

module.exports = withNativeWind({
input: "./global.css"
inlineRem: 16,

Disabling inlineRem

You can disable the inlining behaviour by passing false

module.exports = withNativeWind({
inline: "./global.css"
inlineRem: false,

You will then need to specify your own rem value in your CSS.

:root {
font-size: 16px;


text-{n}✅ Full Support
text-[n]✅ Full Support
text-base✅ Full Support


-{n} Supports values from theme

-[n] Supports arbitrary values


✅ Full support

✔️ Partial support on native

🧪 Experimental support on native

📱 Native only

🌐 Web only